Friday, April 20, 2007

We got sponsors!

The nice folks at Dupont have agreed to pay considerable consideration in order to have our house covered in their advertising (this time for their Home Wrap product).

The final stretch of slate flooring. This part is raised a few centimeters for the 3rd bedroom/office and the storage closet which we were not planning to finish right away, but which we have now decided to try to do as soon as possible. There will be a room of about 5mx3m (directly below the kitchen, and the same size), plus a little distribution hallway, and a storage closet of about 1.5x3.5m opening also to the little hallway.

Kitchen area as seen from the living room. Still missing plaster, cabinets, counter, appliances in short, everything that will make it a kitchen.

The bedrooms facade has been redone, Fabian didn't like it because it was "too patched up."

And this is what I get for pestering Fabian with requests for photos... I don't really want to ask, but my guess is that it's a "crucera" or "vibora cruz" as the locals call them, deadly poisonous. My only consolation is that it's taken all these months for us to come across one at the site, meaning it may not be "crawling" with them.

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