Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Look Ma! No tiles!

Yes, I finally did it, I have bathrooms with no tiles... and all white.

The pictures below show views of the two bathrooms, which look identical except for the fact that in the guest bathroom there is a door immediately next to the toilet-bowl and sink, separating the laundry area, while in our bathroom, the door is right at the hallway, leaving the cabinets inside the bathroom itself.

It seemed like for two weeks nothing happened. Fabian related a nightmarish sounding comedy of errors where, at a stage when electrician, carpenter and plaster guys were required simultaneously on the site, it took a frustrating number of permutations of one or two thereof before all three appeared concurrently. Well, they didn't quite appear, Fabian chased them all over the place, and the minute he had hunted and dragged down one or two to the site, another one had slipped through.

In any case, the livingroom looks nice and white, I guess they have plastered most of the sheetrock over by now, and the shelving unit on the sea side of the house is completed, just missing installation of the lighting fixtures.

The bathrooms look gorgeous to me. The cabinetry at the entrance is great, for towels, care products, laundry hamper, water heater, there's room for everything in a nice and organized way. Also the color scheme (white to gray) with the ceiling in concrete gray, the floors and walls in white microcement, and the grey-veined white marble countertop and shower divider look super classy. Not to mention the tons of natural light from the window, which, standing under the showerhead, provides a view of the ocean. Last remaining item here is the glass divider for the shower.

I have been living in our Turkey rented villa with the most horrible bathrooms ever. The entire house has marble floors, but the bathrooms have the cheesiest tiling in the world, with flower motif and texture, and to boot, GOLD details... I just want to puke every time. They have no natural light, and no ventilation to speak of either.

In my mother's pad in Punta where we have stayed the past few years, the bathrooms have been nicely redone, but with floor tiles in beige, and I have to confess, I have developed a phobia. I can't stand to see one more beige tile.

So, as our Turkish friends say when they see something white, "Hastane gibi" or "like a hospital," that's exactly what we're going for...

Our "parrillero" or barbeque, still missing the iron grill and wood holder thing. It's big, I say it can serve as extra guest quarters... On the right side along the same wall will go a countertop with a sink. Later, I will make a rolling piece of furniture that can rest against the wall perpendicular to the parrillero, but which can be brought out and placed in front of it when we have asados, and serve as further support area/counter, possibly with several shelves.

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