Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Sunrise at Arrancopelito

Barbi is still arguing, he says no way, that's a sunset, it can't be a sunrise, how is Fabian going to be at the site at sunrise, am I crazy?

Well, the proof is in the location of the sun, I guess, sort of N-NE.

For all my bitching about hating plaster, here we go, with the whole wall long plaster shelf that extends from the end of the living-room, above the deck window/door, to the end of the kitchen, forming a shelving unit before the door, and then another storage unit in the kitchen, housing the fridge as well as some cabinets.

We had to hide some structural stuff in the livingroom, and were having trouble solving that side of the kitchen, so in the end we went for the wall-through thing. The neatest thing is that the shelves will hide the sliding door to the stairway and bedrooms area. If we made it slide behind the kitchen cabinets, we would end up with not too much depth in those cabinets, which we need for brooms/vacum cleaner, cleaning supplies, etc. I think it's super cool to have a sliding door, no matter what.

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