Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Water Tank

We had kinda forgotten about the water tank issue. Initially I wanted to have a proper, wooden water tower, but budget constraints (again budget constraints!) mean I have to make a decision on where to place it, right now.

If on the ground, waiting for cash for the tower that may never come, a blackout would mean no water, or the need for a power generator.

If we placed it on the roof, ensuring gravity would do its work and at least we would have decent water pressure in the downstairs bathroom during a blackout, we weren't sure how it would look. So I received a couple of options from Fabian today (Autocad, not real photos), and I fell in love with the wooden-clad tank... check it out

here the tank is hidden in a brick & mortar box, don't like it

this is the cute one...

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