Monday, September 10, 2007

Fire in Barra de Portezuelo and Punta Negra

According to Fabian the fire was large, maybe 20 hectares or so. He said the firefighters took one full hour to show up with a little pump truck good for a "shower", a motorcycle and a pick-up truck.

He says "Now it truly is Punta Negra" (Black Point). Apparently a couple of houses were saved in the nick of time, because the fire was upon them when the firefighters arrived. Mostly a big brush fire he said, not forest like I feared, but he said it was still going on in the inland areas, further away from the sea. It is very depressing. I´ve spent all summer in Turkey were fires are dime a dozen and it never ceases to depress me for days...

Now, on to cheerier subjects: finally a view from the living-room towards the sea. For some reason I wasn't getting pictures taken from the inside looking towards the ocean, and it was making me claustrophobic...

Blankets decor by the construction workers I guess...

The kitchen cabinetry takes shape... they look tiny because the ceiling is so high, they are actually quite big, almost 5 meters across (about 20 feet) and pretty deep also, but high ceiling throws off the scale...

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