Monday, November 26, 2007

more sunken costs and the joys of moving...

Who the hell knows what all those pipes are for, but in any case, we´re paying for them, so better keep a record....

The lawn is going to go all the way to the side of the pool until we have the deck made, at which point we can "harvest" the lawn and put it somehwere else.

Our new bed... the mattress was custom built to our specs, came out great.

Lovely chaos... and a table leg upside down. Virtually all the boxes were opened by customs, but nothing appears to have been stolen, something I feared for things such as silverware, or CDs. Also, we were lucky that they didn´t open the boxes containing the 20 liters of extra virgin olive oil from the famouos Maramara olive region in Turkey. I don´t know whether it would have passed through had they seen the cans.

Now the table is in its normal position, books on the shelves, kitchen stuff all stored away, and the box hell considerably tamed after a few hours of work with Barbi and my Mom.

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