Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our dog life

Winter bbq dinner in the fireplace. Barbi is becoming quite the accomplished "asador"

Good thing now we have plants to care for and worry about, because since April, our life has centered around the dogs.

Now, if you have dogs, eventually your life brings you to ponder the issue of poop collection. I never had a dog in my years as an apartment dweller, not so much because of the cruelty of having the dog locked up all day, but because of the prospect of going out twice a day to collect steaming poop with a plastic bag.

Oso´s favorite passtime, getting all muddied up

Puddle fun

And yet now, despite the generous play-pen we have provided for Lunes, Tulu and Oso, we find that in no time it becomes a minefield to be walked at one´s own risk. So Barbi has taken up the chore of collecting the growing production on a once-a-week schedule, something to look forward to on his single day off from work. Although I do take them out for a long walk once a day, and they do their thing in the fields around the house, it turns out that our yield is up to 15 kgs, or 30 pounds a week of the stuff. Hence, Barbi has developed a device that I have named CacaCaddy (patent pending).

Beach fun

All inventions are incremental improvements on previous inventions, some argue. Well, our CacaCaddy takes the market cart to the other end of the eating process. Just change liners, and you go from food gathering to poop disposal... We are accepting orders. 19.95 with two sets of liners, spade and broome extra. Excellent for people with back problems, eliminates the need to bend down.

The CacaCaddy in service

1 comment:

  1. gee...congrats to barbaros alva edison..his inventiveness has rendered me virtually speech-poopless:)
    hey, we should get together again soon (preferably the day after poop-gathering...:)
