Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Trying solar on the pool

So I could contain myself no longer when I came across what I have dubbed the "poor man´s solar collectors" and before I knew it I was on my way to a heated pool.

The "poor man´s" modifyer is because these etylene-propylene-polyetilene panels (don´t ask me the actual composition) cost about a third the cost of the other regular ones with glass and metal. Also they are made in the ROU - that´s the Oriental Republic of Uruguay...

Because panels have to be placed on some sort of inclined surface and I didn´t want to compromise my roof, we´ve been debating for months where we would place them, and what would serve as support. Container building was finally discarded in favor of possible future greenhouse, at savings of about 90%.

Finished structure pending metal sheet on roof and solar panel installation.

For the reasonable sum of $5,500 I now have the structure (wooden) for a greenhouse, measuring 12 meters by 3.5 meters and the solar panel installation for a heated pool. Not bad I think. The structure was erected by Zuluoaga and co. in one day. They didn´t finish the roof metal sheeting because I neglected to get the sheets on time. They also came along with Pelusa, a heartbreaker as Tulu and Oso can attest.

Zuluoaga and his gang, our dogs and guest star Pelusa (the tiny furry thing near the pool)

The panels are called Solarflex, by the way, and I´m heating a 3m x 14m pool with an area of solar collectors equal to 80% of the surface of the pool. I will buy a thermometer and report later on the water temperature...

Close-up of the collectors and pipes

Now let´s see how it works in the end. Thursday we will have the roof finished, and between Saturday and Monday the heating panels should be operating.


  1. The material used for your solar collectors appears to be very similar to what I'm using for my pool, although the fabrication is different. The surface area of my solar collector is only about 25% of the pool surface. In the summertime, when temperatures hover around or above 40 Celsius for at least a month, my collectors add about 1.5 to 2 Celsius to the pool, so I imagine you'll get a very good temperature rise off of yours. Keep us posted.

  2. Yes, the thing is temperatures here are much lower than that, and winds very strong...
