Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mogli around the block

The puppies

For several weeks our dogs have been driven mad by a couple of roaming dogs that wander around hunting and foraging. The bitch is an underfed German Sheperd descendant, while the male is light caramel colored and with the face of a fox.

For weeks I have wondered where the puppies were hiding, and a chat with my neighbors on the beach revealed that they have all set up home in the woods behind their house. So off we went on Sunday to visit the puppies.

Mom and Dad

There´s four of them, two solid black and two mixed brown and black. One of the black ones has very short ears that stand straight up. All are very perky, and when we found them huddled against a log, they immediately started barking at us. That drew the attention of the parents who were resting a few feet a away, and who after some barking came to us asking to be petted. The setting was straight out of National Geographic, but we do fear for the fate of the puppies...

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