Monday, July 13, 2009


Sunday afternoon hanging out with the non-traditional family

Winter is not something I'm very used to still. It's been cold recently, something like high 40s or low 50s, with nice sunny days and not so nice ones a week ago. But it's Uruguay, so we go from 70s one day to freezing the next.

We try to make the most of it by taking the dogs out for walks every day, unless it's raining too heavily. My favorite walk includes going all the way to the end of the road by La Carolina, and then backtracking to the beach, and back home. By then we're all exhausted enough that I have no problem getting all the dogs in the gate. If they're not too tired they go on further explorations across the street, which freaks me out.

After re-installing the bench seen in the picture above, we all sat down, including Mom, to enjoy the beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon, the sea views, and to fend off the dogs, jostling for affection as they do every second we're with them. I love having this bench here, because it gives us a completely different view than we get from other spots in the garden. We have another similar bench on the other side of the house, overlooking the pool.

Zeytin the psycho cat helps Barbi tighten some screws

We taunt the cows on our daily walk by La Carolina

This pond at La Carolina is a good reason to be rich

Earlier in the week, a very frosty morning

It almost looked like snow, everything covered in a thick coat of frost...

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