Monday, September 28, 2009

Partition and annexation

Both the above are views of the lot we bought last year but had not yet integrated to the rest of the property. They had some landscaping against the road, and were unfenced.

This is Omar, our fence builder, and the new fence he put up separating the two lots where the house and pool are sited from the lots fronting on the main road. With a little gate to communicate both and keep the dogs on either side as necessary.

These are views of the newly unified road-side plots, as seen from the bottom of the yard, close to the new fence, and looking out towards the road. Both lots are now over half an acre each, 2,300 and 2,400 m2 respectively.

It's complicated to convey even with pictures, and since I am awful with the drawing softwares, can't do that on a map either... But yes, there were three lots fenced as a single property, plus one outside the fence, and now there are two separately fenced lots roughly equal in size, comprising the four plots of land.

Which means, lots more landscaping opportunities opening up. The top soil for the plantation has been delivered, two truckloads that have been dropped in three mounds surrounding the house. Fabiana loves to dig into them and sit on top of the mounds, queen of all she surveys.

Hopefully tomorrow we can start planting, followed by installation of irrigation system for the new areas. Fence, planting and irrigation will total about $5k, hope Barbi doesn't notice...

The great thing about having "the other garden" is the ability to stash our dogs on the other lot and be free to open the gate to unload something, or just to greet visitors without anyone ending all pawprinted or with their butts on the ground from so much canine loving.

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