Saturday, May 7, 2011

The new brood

Mike, handsome, huge and lazy

We tried to have Collie fixed a number of times, but our vet, Enrique conspired against it and would not rest until he had pimped her out. The lucky fellow was Corbata, a very handsome, large border collie (as opposed to Collie's smaller size).


On the day we were flying out for 2 weeks, Collie popped the 5 puppies in our living-room, under the fireplace, a suitable cave-like spot. Thus, we left happy but heartbroken at the same time.


It's now been 2 months (today) and we have just given away my favorite, Spot, and Laika. Someone who had asked for two puppies backed down a couple of days ago, so Stu and Patch are still with us and waiting for takers. Mike is staying. He's huge and lazy.

Laika was previously named La Traumada because she whined a lot, but dropped the whining and is now very adventurous...

Stu, as in Stuart Little

The old reigning queen as seen in full page ads in various media:


  1. Oh, so cute! It must be hard to watch them leave.

    My sister and her husband have two border collies, now aged around 12 and 13. In their breeding years they produced three litters. Now Sam and Pete have family and friends all over Queensland with little Jessies and Busters.

  2. I almost cried the other day when Spot left. But just so you know, Lunes had quite her time in the limelight this year, starring in our summer advertising campaign, all on her own. She also appeared in Living on a story on our business, so...
