Monday, May 28, 2007

Cabinets, doors

The indoor doors are all in place. The bedroom closets are almost ready. I really like the look. White, with the horizontal groove, it's just what I wanted, and the overall effect is great. The central portion of the closet is all shelves, the ends are for hanging and some shelves. We will have only two sliding doors, covering the hanging clothes (the ones that scare me at night, not so the folded stuff on the shelves.) All this "open" cabinetry (same in the kitchen, miles of open shelves) makes me wonder if I will get tired and order a bunch of doors. But in Turkey, in our very "raw" bedroom we have a bunch of kitchen shelves, everything on display like in a store, including the Ikea ceiling & floor supported bars for hanging stuff, and we quite like it.

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