Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Windows everywhere! Flurry of activity! Even Pancho on site!

Well, we are about six months behind schedule, and even the much heralded May 25 date for installing the windows got pushed back by about 10 days, but no matter, we can't wipe the grins off our faces as we look at the pictures we got today. Now we are seriously thinking about the pool, the landscaping...

All inside views of the livingroom, including a slice of Luis (architect).

Livingroom, kitchen and stairs windows!

These are the stairs windows seen from inside. We will have to plant some fast growing trees to block from our view the ugly house we can see in the distance, but we're thrilled about the winter sunset light streaming in all sliced up...

Natalia (architect) admires the view from the kitchen window.

Even Victoria and Pancho (Fabian's wife and son, downstairs directly below the window) are on hand to celebrate the windows being installed. Prestigiando, as Brazilians would say...

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