Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The door

It looks a bit narrow, but I guess it's a visual effect, because the door + side window = the stairway width, and the door is slightly wider than the the window. Also, counting tiles, it would seem to be about 110cm wide, which is nice. But in the picture it looks like it's 70cm wide, not 110.

It will be painted white, of course.

Ah, the wooden beams seen above the door are the basis for the deck off the living room, i guess that's still to come. Now that all the house is "closed" they can definitely start the walls and flooring for living-room and kitchen, and the kitchen cabinets which need to be measured against the finished walls/floors.

And we already can install the alarm system because we have a phone line! As an example of the sheer stupidity of Uruguayan telephone monopoly, although there has been fiber optic laid next to our house for 5 years (I saw them laying it) we still don't have landline phone service in the area. So we make do with satellite, "fixed cell" or something like that technology, which of course is more costly to install, and whose Internet service is also slower and/or more costly.


  1. I'd go with dedicado if I were you... whether you do or dont.. assuming you still have some areas of walls/ceilings unclosed,and assuming you didn't already consider this, wire for it now... needs a cat5... take it back to wherever you're planning on distributing from... wireline or wireless... it needs 220v at the terminating point to run transformer power back to the antenna...
    I've been on Dedicado and Antel now for a while. They're identical in every way.

  2. One more comment... alarm systems are most vulnerable at the telephone connection... your burglars wont have a wire to cut... hopefully, they're not bright enough to go after your antenna.. having visited hundreds of line cuts before I came here, I never hesitated for a moment, paying the extra U$S6/month for radio security..

  3. I want to check out options when I move in. Santiago Tezanos has recommended the wireless service from one of the cellphone companies, but I would have to see if we have coverage. There is also a Ruralcel basic Internet service that I will try out to see if it´s not too weak. Etc.

    Re the alarm antenna, well, it´so so high up that unless they come with their own scaffolding, I don´t think they can reach it... We are putting several outdoor sensors also.
