Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Floors, that was a surprise

I thought the floors were coming later, so this was quite a shock. Also posting a better picture of the door, pre paint. It looks very cute actually. Seeing it reminded me of the whole thing with our friends here in Turkey, and their door. She (English) wanted a wooden door, he (Turkish boyfriend) and the local contractor insisted it was impossible, the only door to be had was steel, factory made (they are quite horrible). She almost got away with having one made, but in the end it turned out "her" door would delay the entire project, so that was the end of the wooden door, and she had to choose the least offensive of the metal doors. The argument brandished against the wooden door was that it wouldn't stand the "sea air."

Pancho is putting in a lot of hours at the site, pretty soon we'll have him on payroll. The one on the way is getting an even earlier start (Victoria, seen here sitting inside the fireplace, is pregnant).

1 comment:

  1. This looks fantastic! We've just purchased land in Rocha and are planning a similar adventure. I'd love to touch base with you about your experiences. Can I email you with questions?

    Chara Caruthers
