Saturday, September 22, 2007

More kid -- or drunken friend -- friendly...

If it were up to me, I probably would not have the wire running along the deck railing, but apparently it's a legal requirement or something... anyway, we are now more kid-friendly, or better equipped for inebriated company...

The scaffolding I guess means we are applying the varnish or whatever the protective product is called, on the wood cladding.


  1. Interesting... I've seen several instances in Montevideo where there was no consideration given to safety railings... I think it's timing. Newer projects are following common sense and probably the laws have changed. If we were in NA, we'd be worried to death about lawsuits from inebriated guests... Here, it's good social conscience and younger arthitects trying to do the right thing.

  2. Well, Fabian the architect has a 2-year old and another one on the way, so that may be coloring his views...
