Tuesday, September 25, 2007


A rescued penguin release in Punta del Este a few years ago...

September 23, Playa Mansa, pic published in El País...

Nadine´s babies, Blitzen and Dash, with penguin. They are supposed to winter in Brazil, so I guess this one is on a layover.

I've developed a thing for penguins. It all started with the March of the Penguins, and really took on a life of its own after I visited SOS Fauna Marina in Punta Colorada last year. Why I had never visited before I don't know. We've driven past tons of times, but I guess it doesn't look too inviting. It was so amazing how they responded to people like dogs. The director of SOS does not encourage it, because he says they become domesticated too quickly and then they are "spoilt." So he keeps only a few critters on the "public" area of the rescue center, the ones he "pimps" for donations because he has to make money to feed them SOMEHOW.

Then Nadine shared a photo of her dogs playing with a penguin in Montoya, and I became very jealous. I want to go play with the penguins! I want a pet penguin and a pet sea lion! (It's illegal possession of endangered species, so out of the question.)

I just came across a picture in El Pais about a return of rescued penguins to the sea that SOS Fauna Marina just staged in la Mansa beach, in Punta del Este. I guess I've missed all the penguin action this year, but hopefully will arrive in time to catch the whales...


  1. Oh, those penguins are even cuter in flocks! If I were able to have a pet penguin, I think I'd have to name it Tuxedo.
    Chau for now, Nadine

  2. Hi, Arrancopelito:

    This is eddiecohen, from the Southron forum. I've been working my way down the list of blogs listed in http://sociedadsouthron.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=921 and finally saw yours. Your house is incredible. I'm really envious.
    I read your profile, and all your blogs, but still don't understand how you speak such impeccable English. I'd love to hear "the rest of the story".

