Thursday, November 1, 2007

The bobcat

Water in the pool! Our well was tested by the pool people, and apparently it´s good water, no iron, and very clear.

The bobcat starting the topography work, cleaning and smoothing the land surrounding the pool, while Victoria, very pregnant, enjoys the beautiful spring day.

TThe pool people were not too gentle with the land. Their machine left moat-deep tracks...

Spring. Everywhere yellow flowers, these daisy types and lots and lots and lots of yellow broom.

Frankie, our Frankensteinish stove...

We got the stairway railing, matching the one in the terrace.

As we were leaving today, we saw the UTE (power utility) truck bringing the wooden posts and the wire to the site. Fabian talked to them, they said they will start work on Monday, so in about a week from Monday we should have juice. That´s our cue to move in. There are many small details pending, but that´s the one thing preventing us from moving in, the electricity. The rest, we will finish once we´re there. Also, the container is arriving from Turkey in one week, so the timing seems to be OK.

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