Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sunken costs

View from the main road. The worker´s house is now completely demolished. The more they clean the land, the bigger it looks. The landscaper is convinced we will not be able to handle it, he thinks i should leave the "jungle" we see in this picture as is, but I am terrified of snakes, and I saw all kinds of movement in the bushes today... We´ll destroy the habitat.

We now have power lines, if I were richer they would have gone underground, but that will have to wait...

The landscaping is proceeding at full speed. The grey pebbles spread out in front of the house will be the parking area. The other dark mound is lawn "cakes".

Well, there is Fabiana, our ferocious and loyal guard. She´s watching the entrance to the house. The pipe stuff are drainage channels to divert rain water away from the house. The little blue pipe inside I think is for the sprinklers. The worker in the back is laying the soil that goes under the lawn sections. There will be a lawn border around the house, to protect the drainage pipes and also to make things a bit neater. The rest will just have to become lawn on its own...

I have decided to go with the satellite internet access, which is very costly in terms of installation, but it would appear to be the only truly reliable option I have at this point. So we will pollute the house´s roof with a dish, plus a small one for DirectTv. Maybe I will put a kiosk by the road, sell internet access by the minute. I will be the only one in Punta Negra and Barra de Portezuelo with broadband I think.


  1. margarita:
    I don't know how much you pay for satellite internet, but I pay only 550$ flat rate with movistar wireless internet...true, it's semi-brodband (237 kbps), but it works and it's cheaper than what I pais in MVD


  2. I´ll tell you how much I pay: A LOT. However, I don't have much of a choice, as my work depends on a reliable connection at all times. I belive my connection is slower than the Movistar, but more reliable, and is never ever down, unlike the regular broadband which used to be down for days when I lived in Punta del Este. I plan on getting the Movistar soon and maintain the other for emergency cases if it the wireless one is indeed faster than mine. Unfortunately, if my Internet is down I can't be home...
