Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just four more days for warm pool swimming

Luis the engineer seen in the pictures installing the panels says he will be finished on Thursday and the water will need a couple of days of filtering to raise the temperature. The water feels like 20 C (68) to me right now, so I have decided I will be swimming on Saturday afternoon. I only need it to be 24 degrees (75F) in order to swim comfortably.

The next project once this is over will probably be to turn the structure into a working greenhouse, with some PVC. My tomato plants are so buffetted by the wind that I feel like a serial killer for exposing them to such inclement conditions. Plus, I really do want to eat home-grown tomatoes, if possible year round.


  1. Sounds like your tolerable water temperature is much lower than mine, so you'll definitely expeience a huge extended swimming season.
    Do you think you'll get enough sunlight for a greenhouse with an opaque roof?


  2. Judging by the results in my west-facing stairwell, which gets direct sun only in the afternoon, it will be more than enough. That´s where I´ve grown all my seedlings, and they´re looking pretty jungly right now.

    The sides and front of the "greenhouse" get direct sun practically all day, and the back gets tons of light anyway. BTW, the reason I say greenhouse between quote marks is precisely because the roof is BLACK, not a traditional choice I guess...
