Thursday, October 30, 2008

When is Google Earth sweeping by my neck of the woods again?!?!?!?!?!

Really, it´s pretty upsetting to keep checking for years and to see nothing more than the track my neighbor´s car made when using my lot as his drive-way earlier in the decade.

I have changed the template for this blog, and boy, what a relief. That previous one was suffocating, this new one is so airy and light, it´s great.

And another thing. I don´t know how to post without a photo. So here´s Lunes, Oso and Tulu ready to pounce on each other as they do all frigging day long... that is, when they are not chewing on pieces of halogen lamps, or on workers´ knives, or stealing and burying the workers´ stuff. They are something like 7 and a half and 5 and a half months now, so there´s still loads more fun to be had.

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