Monday, August 10, 2009


That's it, yes, a wheelbarrowfull of leeks. At 13 pesos per leek at the supermarket, that's equivalent to more or less $28 in hard currency harvested right out of our yard, yessir!

They are now residing in our fridge and freezer, chopped, sliced, diced, creamed and souped. For dinner tonight, capeletti with creamed leeks and spinach.

We left a few thin ones still in the ground, but just a dozen or so.


Wally said...

M- With a conservative estimate of landscaping costs- it would appear that you 13 peso leeks cost about $250 US, each. Just kidding.

Just like going fishing. Factoring in the cost of travel, boat rental, overnights- usually come to a lot more than you can buy them for at a market. But the experience is worth it (or is it?).

Arrancopelito said...

Exactly Wally, although with successive harvests we may be amortizing the setup costs. So maybe those leeks are not $250 but $149.95 apiece, and this summer my tomatoes will be down to $15 each :-)
But yes, the MasterCard moment, that's priceless...